Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Investigation of Sr uptake by birnessite-type sorbents from seawater
Egorin, A. M., Sokolnitskaya, T. A., Azarova, Yu. A., Portnyagin, A.S., Balanov, M. I., Misko, D.S., Shelestyuk, E.A., Kalashnikova, A. M., Tokar, E.A., Tananaev, I.G., Avramenko, V. A.
Egorin, A. M., Sokolnitskaya, T. A., Azarova, Yu. A., Portnyagin, A.S., Balanov, M. I., Misko, D.S., Shelestyuk, E.A., Kalashnikova, A. M., Tokar, E.A., Tananaev, I.G., Avramenko, V. A.
Abstract Sorption of micro- and microamounts of Sr from seawater has been studied using granulated Na-birnessite. Distribution coefficients of 90Sr in the natural seawater are 0.8–1.2 9 103 ml g-1 , in the model seawater they are 1.6–1.8 9 103 ml g-1 . Application of Na-birnessite was shown to be prospective in sorption–desorption–regeneration regime. In dynamic sorption conditions, over 150 bed volumes of seawater can be purified till 5% breakthrough occurs at feed rate 10 BV h-1 . Na-birnessite can be used for 90Sr radionuclide removal from liquid radioactive wastes containing seawater.